ISSUE #240 August 2008
Volume 20, No. 12 ISSN #1052-9438
Mike Barrett: Greye La Spina: Weaver of Weird Tales: 1
Eugene Reynolds: Genre Bender, or, the Perilous Process of Processing Literature: Kim Wilkins’s Giants of the Frost: 1
Jonathan McCalmont: Hell is the Singularity: Existentialism and Rudy Rucker’s Postsingular: 16
Kate Bonin: Undermining Cinderella: Lois McMaster Bujold’s The Sharing Knife Series, So Far: 18
John Nizalowski: The View From Above: 19
Kevin Shaw: Reading “The Argonauts of the Air” in the Dark: 22
Thomas M. Disch’s The Word of God, reviewed by Darrell Schweitzer: 6
L. E. Modesitt, Jr.’s Viewpoints Critical: Selected Stories, reviewed by Michael Levy: 11
Karl Schroeder’s Pirate Sun, reviewed by James Cambias: 12
A Lovecraft Retrospective: Artists Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, edited by Jerad Walters, reviewed by Peter Rawlik: 13
Vandana Singh’s Of Love and Other Monsters and Ali Smith’s Girl Meets Boy, reviewed by Niall Harrison: 14
Robert J. Sawyer’s Rollback, reviewed by Joe Milicia: 16
Plus: A Singular Interview (7), lots of Screed (23), and a pat on the back (24).
Kathryn Cramer, Art and Web Site Editor; Samuel R. Delany, Contributing Editor; Kris Dikeman, Associate Managing Editor.
David G. Hartwell, Reviews and Features Editor; Kevin J. Maroney, Managing Editor.
Staff: Ann Crimmins, Alex Donald, Eugene Reynolds, and Eugene Surowitz.
Special thanks to Avram Grumer, Arthur D. Hlavaty, Lisa Padol, and Christine Quiñones.
Published monthly by Dragon Press.
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