ISSUE #273 May 2011
Volume 23, No. 9 ISSN #1052-9438
Spyros A. Vretos: Towards an Explication of the Missing Text: The Lost Greek-American Pages of Philip K. Dick: 1
Gary Westfahl: Space Stations in Fact and Fiction: 6
Michael Swanwick: Impossible Russias: 12
Victor Grech: Interdisciplinarity in Science Fiction: 14
Nader Elhefnawy: A Revolution of Falling Expectations: Wither the Singularity?: 19
Hello Hi There, concept and direction by Annie Dorsen, reviewed by Jen Gunnels: 1
Dancing with Bears: The Postutopian Adventures of Darger & Surplus by Michael Swanwick, reviewed by Henry Wessells: 11
The Reapers Are the Angels by Alden Bell, reviewed by Ernest Lilley: 16
Tongues of Serpents by Naomi Novik, reviewed by Greg L Johnson: 18
Modern Times 2.0 (Outspoken Authors No. 5) by Michael Moorcock, reviewed by Eugene Reynolds: 20
Plus: David Drake, mythologer (5); questioning Hartwell (11); screed (23); and an editorial (24).
Samuel R. Delany, Contributing Editor; David G. Hartwell, Reviews & Features Editor.
Kevin J. Maroney, Managing Editor; Kris Dikeman and Avram Grumer, Associate Managing Editors.
Staff: Ambrose, Ann Crimmins, Alex Donald, Jen Gunnels, Eugene Reynolds, and Anne Zanoni.
Weekly Crew: Lisa Padol. Special thanks to Arthur D. Hlavaty and Eugene Surowitz.
A PDF copy of the NYRSF issue in which this TOC first appeared is available for purchase at Weightless Books.