ISSUE #274 June 2011
Volume 23, No. 10 ISSN #1052-9438
Phil Gochenour: “Different Conditions Set Different Standards”: The Ecology of Ethics in John Wyndham’s The Day of the Triffids: 1
Jen Gunnels: An Interview with Andrea Hairston: 1
Kathleen Ann Goonan’s This Shared Dream, reviewed by Paul Kincaid: 8
Jon Courtenay Grimwood’s The Fallen Blade, reviewed by Paul Witcover: 12
Hannu Rajaniemi’s The Quantum Thief, reviewed by Tori Truslow: 16
Ian McDonald’s Desolation Road, reviewed by Philip E. Smith: 19
Dog Act, written by Liz Duffy Adams, directed by Kelly O’Donnell, reviewed by Jen Gunnels: 20
A nickle’s worth of Read This (9) and an editorial (24).
Samuel R. Delany, Contributing Editor; Kris Dikeman and Avram Grumer, Associate Managing Editors.
David G. Hartwell, Reviews and Features Editor; Kevin J. Maroney, Managing Editor.
Staff: Ann Crimmins, Alex Donald, Jen Gunnels, M’jit Raindancer-Stahl, Eugene Reynolds, and Anne Zanoni.
Weekly Crew: Lisa Padol. Special thanks to Arthur D. Hlavaty and Eugene Surowitz.
A PDF copy of the NYRSF issue in which this TOC first appeared is available for purchase at Weightless Books.