ISSUE #282 February 2012
Volume 22, No. 6 ISSN #1052-9438
Robert Guffey: Film Noird and the Multiple Realities Thereof: Bowery at Midnight, The Chase, and Kiss Me Deadly: 1
Takayuki Tatsumi: From Surrealism to Postmodernism: An Introduction to Chiaki Kawamata’s Death Sentences: 1
Darrell Schweitzer: Texts, Authors, and the Enduring Mystery of Edgar Allan Poe: 12
Gregory Benford: Dining with Dirac: 16
John Baxter’s The Inner Man: The Life of J. G. Ballard, reviewed by Rob Latham: 7
Death Valley, written by Adam Scott Mazer, directed by Dan Rogers, reviewed by Jen Gunnels: 20
An editorial (24).
Samuel R. Delany, Contributing Editor; Kris Dikeman and Avram Grumer, Associate Managing Editors.
David G. Hartwell, Reviews and Features Editor; Kevin J. Maroney, Managing Editor.
Staff: Ann Crimmins, Alex Donald, Jen Gunnels, Heather Masri, M’jit Raindancer-Stahl, Eugene Reynolds, and Anne Zanoni.
Weekly Crew: Lisa Padol and Christine Quiñones.
Special thanks to Arthur D. Hlavaty and Eugene Surowitz.
A PDF copy of the NYRSF issue in which this TOC first appeared is available for purchase at Weightless Books.