It is possible that this issue will appear on time, in late February or early March, well before the March 21 launch of the ICFA, where several of us will be. If so, it will be the first on-time issue in four months. In the meantime, I am finishing collaboration on four different anthologies in four months, two fantasy and two sf, including the usual Year’s Best SF and the unusual Year’s Best Fantasy (both with Kathryn Cramer).
The weekend before the ICFA, on March 17, there will be a celebration for Gene Wolfe in the Chicago area, of which you should take note ; if you are in the area, do yourself the favor and attend. I think it will be worth traveling for.
As we were putting this issue together in Pleasantville, Stacy and Tom Hill dropped by to introduce their new daughter, Lily, and to the right we have a very sweet picture.
And since there has been a dry spell for us in convention attendance, I took pictures of the staff (on page 3), so you can see how we all looked after hours of editorial reading.
Sometimes I feel the victim of serial drive-by shootings, trying to put this magazine out in recent months. And then sometimes I feel like the beneficiary of much friendship and good luck. Postage just went up, as most of you are probably aware. Subscription renewals and sales are down, which straps us for cash flow. So far this is the easiest winter in years for travel but also the most expensive. It is the Hugo nomination season, and we are eligible in the Semiprozine category, and we hope you consider us for nomination.
Our problems with our printer continue. We have some supportive and helpful correspondence on our possible future plans on page 23, and if you have anything to add, let us hear from you. We want to be clear that we do want to include some print dimension in our plans beyond August of this year but we don’t know how it will work yet; we also do want some version of layout that is more friendly to e-reading than PDFs are. We’ll see. *
—David G. Hartwell & the Editors
A PDF copy of the NYRSF issue in which this article first appeared is available for purchase at Weightless Books.