Christopher S. Kovacs: Suspended in Literature: Patterns and Allusions in The Chronicles of Amber: 1
Judith Collins: The Evil That Scholars Do: 1
Fred Runk: Greg Benford’s Galactic Center: 17
Dave Drake: The Roads to the RCN Series: 20
Dave Drake: On The Arrogant History of White Ben, by Clemence Dane: 22
The Lathe of Heaven, adapted and directed by Edward Einhorn, reviewed by Eugene Reynolds: 14
Novels and drama (16), screed (23), and an editorial (24).
Samuel R. Delany, Contributing Editor; Kris Dikeman and Avram Grumer, Associate Managing Editors.
Alex Donald, Web Editor; David G. Hartwell, Reviews and Features Editor; Kevin J. Maroney, Managing Editor.
Staff: A. P. Canavan, Ann Crimmins, Jen Gunnels, Heather Masri, Lisa Padol, M’jit Raindancer-Stahl, Eugene Reynolds, and Anne Zanoni.
Special thanks to Arthur D. Hlavaty and Eugene Surowitz.
A PDF copy of the NYRSF issue in which this TOC first appeared is available for purchase at Weightless Books.