ISSUE #288 August 2012
Volume 24, No. 12 ISSN #1052-9438
Tom Purdom: When I Was Writing: Installment Ten: Five Against the Peace Tyrant: 1
Darrell Schweitzer: Reading the World’s Oldest Novel: Some Further Thoughts about Genre: 14
Victor Grech: The Pinocchio Syndrome: Revisited: 16
Mike Barrett: Journey from Reglathium: The Novels of Mike Sirota: 21
Deinde, written by August Schulenburg, directed by Heather Cohn, reviewed by Jen Gunnels: 1
Edward M. Wysocki, Jr.’s The Great Heinlein Mystery: Science Fiction, Innovation, and Naval Technology, reviewed by Damien Broderick: 6
Steven Erikson’s Forge of Darkness: The Kharkanas Trilogy Book 1, reviewed by A. P. Canavan: 12
Leprechauns from hell (11) and an editorial (24).
Samuel R. Delany, Contributing Editor; Kris Dikeman and Avram Grumer, Associate Managing Editors.
David G. Hartwell, Reviews and Features Editor; Kevin J. Maroney, Managing Editor.
Staff: A. P. Canavan, Ann Crimmins, Alex Donald, Jen Gunnels, Lisa Padol, Eugene Reynolds, and Anne Zanoni.
Special thanks to Arthur D. Hlavaty, M’jit Raindancer-Stahl, and Eugene Surowitz.
Published monthly by Dragon Press
A PDF copy of the NYRSF issue in which this TOC first appeared is available for purchase at Weightless Books.