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There was some discussion of this list on Twitter. The only glaring omission named was Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, which was a) clearly sf, b) nominated for the Nebula, and c) enormously influential.

There are a few works of fantasy included, despite Hartwell's goal of limiting the list to sf (e.g., Tanith Lee's Night's Sorceries, Elizabeth Moon's Sheepfarmer's Daughter) and at least one misspelling ("Susan Shwartz" as "Susan Schwartz", for which I blame myself).

I myself wonder why those particular start and end dates were chosen; I would be interested in hearing from David on that.

David and I discussed this last month and he said that leaving off The Handmaid's Tale was purely accidental, as was the inclusion of an unambiguous fantasy novel (Sheepfarmer's Daughter). I've amended the list to reflect these changes.

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