Produced by PS122 and the New Ohio Theatre. Featuring William Shatner* and Mari Akita. New Ohio Theatre, Manhattan.
When the people of ancient Greece wanted to know their future, they consulted oracles—the most popular being that at Delphi. To whom shall we turn, we of twenty-first century New York?
William Shatner as Captain Kirk, of course.
This pretty much describes Phil Soltanoff and Joe Diebes’s An Evening with William Shatner Asterisk at the New Ohio Theatre in New York. And yet.... I find myself at a loss to explain the humor and odd profundity of an evening being lectured on the future of Art and Science by William Shatner as Captain Kirk—philosophy delicately layered with a phyllo of cultural meme and masterful media editing. Captain Kirk lectures from the future, an online class from Starfleet Academy in Federation Aesthetics. The performance was brilliant, and yet moments left me wondering why they didn’t trust their oracle to capture the audience for the length of the performance. This lapse, however, did not detract from the compelling nature of the material or the way in which it was created.
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