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Arthur, I'm almost as Old as you are and likewise very fond of physical books (preferably indexed, in the case of reference material)--nevertheless, I'm glad that the e-version of the Merril is part of the purchase price, since I've gotten spoiled by the ease of search/copy/paste the digital format offers. I've even slowed my kvetching about not getting physical ARCs. (Though I haven't stopped altogether--note-taking on a tablet is a pain, and nothing is as quick and handy as dog-eared pages and marginal and flyleaf scribbles.)

BTW, one of the oddities of the print version is that it omits the passage that gives the book its title--it comes from a review of Sturgeon's "The Other Man" in the 1957 Best volume. In fact, on searching the PDF for that phrase, I can't find it anywhere other than at the tops of alternate pages. It's not even called out in Calvin's otherwise well-laid-out Introduction.

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