The eagle-eyed among you may well have noticed that we have skipped the cover date of this issue several months forward from the previous issue—this is June 2017, reflecting the actual publication date, as opposed to #340’s December 2016, which came out in mid-April.
I consider this a slap in my own face. One of the most important traditions of NYRSF has been its metronome-sharp monthly production schedule. But it’s denying reality to pretend that we’ve been meeting that; in the last 16 months, we’ve put out 13 issues, a ratio that leaves me feeling a little less like an abject failure. But at least three times since issue 340 came out, people have e-mailed me saying, in effect, “It looks like you haven’t published an issue since December—have you closed up shop?” And that confusion is far, far worse than whatever qualms I have about skipping months.
So, welcome to the future of the present.
In other NYRSF-y news, I hope that everyone who is inclined toward consuming their fiction in audio format has heard about Tor Labs, the new fiction podcast imprint run by our own Theatre Editor Emerita (and Tor Books editor) Jen Gunnels and official Friend of NYRSF (and Tor Books Senior Editor) Marco Palmieri. Their first title, Steal the Stars by Mac Rogers, launches in August at the Macmillan Podcast Network <us.macmillan.com/podcasts>, and we wish them the greatest success.
That’s pretty much it for this time; got to seal things up so that we can get this out the door and not slip behind again. Thanks for your continued support. Forward!
—Kevin J. Maroney
and the editors
The Differently Sane Masters of Tor Labs, relaxing