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Wells was anti-nationalist if anything and not a supporter of Zionis (given what's been happening in Palestine/Israel over the last few decades, his concerns were well founded). Like the rest of he's only human and had his prejudices, based on life experiences, but later on in life he came to regret his attitudes to the Jews as he became more aware of the Nazi atrocities in WW2. He even wrote a letter of apology to Chaim Weizmann for his past statements. I'm currently reading Coren's bio of Wells and his bitter dislike of Wells really says more about Coren than it does of Wells. Wells penned some beautiful prose in his time and, with all due respect raking through the millions of words he wrote looking for traces of antisemitism really misses the greater picture he was painting about the future great possibilities for humanity.

Very sad that a man who overcame the difficulties of his youth, was in essence one of the small minded people he loves to describe.
I am just finishing his autobiography, which was published in 1934.
His list of friends gives you the hint of anti semitism, but when he describes the great religions as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, one knows instantly, that he was extremely flawed.
Was a master of false modesty.

I'm a practicing Catholic and I don't mind that Wells was anti-Catholic. People need to be less sensitive to slights: what doesn't destroy me makes me stronger! As for criticism in general, well, "better out than in," as long as they're not advocating violence. I will gladly continue to read Wells without assuming that he's the font of all Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. That's God's job.

I did get ahold of a copy of "Crux Ansata." The first chapter, "Why Do We Not Bomb Rome?" has a provocative title, but Wells's argument is a somewhat reasonable one: in 1943, the Allies were holding off from bombing Rome because the Pope had begged them not to. (Vatican City is in the middle of Rome.) Wells thought Rome should be treated like any other enemy city in wartime.

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