Issue #49, September 1992: Samuel R. Delany, "Zelazny/Varley/Gibson and Quality, Part II"; Joe Sanders, "United States or Ouroboros: Heinlein's Double Star"; Maureen McHugh's China Mountain Zhang reviewed by Gwyneth Jones; Kenneth Morris's The Chalchiuhite Dragon reviewed by William M. Schuyler, Jr.; reading list by Dennis Etchison.
Issue #50, October 1992: Brian W. Aldiss, Introduction to The War of the Worlds (Part I)"; Gordon Van Gelder, "The Shining Sun of Magic"; Greg Bear's Anvil of Stars reviewed by John Clute; Susan Palwick's Flying in Place reviewed by Tony Daniel; "Open Replies" to Susan Palwick's "Believing (In) Fiction"; reading list by Larry Niven.
Issue #51, November 1992: Eileen Gunn and Kathleen Ann Goonan, "Two Takes on Geoff Ryman's Was"; Sanuel R. Delany, "The Future of the Bodyand Science Fiction and Technology"; Michael Bishop's Count Geiger's Blues reviewed by Pascal J. Thomas; reading lists by Walter Jon Williams, Marc Laidlaw, and Nicola Griffith.
Issue #52, December 1992: David J. Skal, "The Dance of Dearth: Horror in the Eighties"; Brian Stableford, "The Redemption of the Infimal"; Alexander Jablokov's A Deeper Sea reviewed by John Clute; Brian Stableford's The Werewolves of London reviewed by Robert Killheffer; reading lists by Allen Steele and James D. Hornfischer.
Issue #53, January, 1993: David J. Skal, "Drive-Ins are a Ghoul's Best Friend: Horror in the Fifties"; Dan Simmons's The Hollow Man reviewed by Kevin G. Helfenbein; Greg Egan's Quarantine reviewed by Brian Stableford; Kipling's Science Fiction and Kipling's Fantasy, presented by John Brunner, reviewed by Jennifer K. Stevenson.
Issue #54, February 1993: Richard Terra, "Shades of Rose and Red: Nostalgic and Visionary Images of the Human Exploration of Mars"; Michael Andre-Driussi, "A Closer Look at the Brown Book: Gene Wolfe's Five-Faceted Myth"; Jack Womack's Elvissey reviewed by Jonathan Lethem; Nicola Griffith's Ammonite reviewed by Gwyneth Jones.
Issue #55, March 1993: John Kessel, "The Brother From Another Planet: Science Fiction vs. Mainstream Short Stories"; Kate Wilhelm's And the Angels Sing reviewed by F. Brett Cox; Pat Cadigan's Fools reviewed by Nicola Griffith; Brian Attebery's Strategies of Fantasy reviewed by Richard Terra; reading lists by Gregory Frost and Tony Daniel.
Issue #56, April 1993: David J. Skal, "The Graveyard Bash: Horror in the Sixties"; Rebecca Ore "Aliens and the Artificial Other"; Patricia Anthony's Cold Allies reviewed by Alexander Jablokov; Simon Ings's Hot Head reviewed by Robert Killheffer; Bradley Denton's Blackburn reviewed by Robert Devereaux; reading lists by Robert Silverberg et al.
Issue #57, May 1993: William M. Schuyler, Jr, "Portrait of the Artist as a Jung Man: Love, Death and Art in J.G. Ballard's Vermilion Sands (Part I)"; Élisabeth Vonarburg, "So You Want to Be a Science Fiction Writer?"; Norman Spinrad's Deus X reviewed by Earl Wells; Helen Collins's Mutagenesisreviewed by Gwyneth Jones.
Issue #58, June 1993: Terry Bisson, "Science Fiction and the Post-Apollo Blues"; Connie Willis's Doomsday Book reviewed by Joan Gordon; Avram Davidson's Adventures in Unhistory reviewed by Don Webb; The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories edited by Tom Shippey, reviewed by John Clute; reading list by Brian Aldiss.
Issue #59, July 1993: Judith Merril, "Better to Have Loved: From a Memoir-in-Progress"; Damien Broderick, "of Science Fiction"; David J. Skal's The Monster Show reviewed by Greg Cox; Lucius Shepard's The Golden reviewed by Stefan Dziemianowicz; reading lists by Gregory Benford, Alfred Coppel, and Jack Williamson.
Issue #60, August 1993: Joe Sanders, "Breaking the Circle? Robert A. Heinlein's The Door into Summer"; James Tiptree, Jr., "From a Spoken Journal: Thinking About Heinlein, et al., 1971"; Ray Davis, "Five Stories by Martha Soukup";; Damien Broderick's The Dark Between the Stars reviewed by Richard A. Lupoff